#need more ppl to talk to abt this anime so if u watch it feel free to dm me LMFAOOOO
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tetta-kissaki · 2 months ago
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he finally caught a big one :,)
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rjschoicesstuff · 4 months ago
For Ripley: 🍷🤡📱🧸🧑‍🍼🐾
Thank uuu!!
🍷- How do they feel about alcohol?
She's gotten drunk once and from that experience learned that she's a giant lightweight and will act like a total fool + get really sick + hangovers suck. But.. she would do it again.. but she set the rule for herself that she needs to be with people that she trusts + can babysit her + she wouldn't mind embarassing herself around.
She also decided to wait til she's 21 for the next time cuz it prompted a whole talk with her mom who was not happy with her lol. I think she's at some point gonna get wasted again during one of her 'fuck im gonna be 19 forever'-breakdowns and be glad that vampires can't die of alchohol poisoning afterwards.
🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
Ripley has oc's LMAO but no one can see!!! No one!!!!! NO ONE!!
Except they have already been seen
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(It's mostly lesbian werewolves who do streetracing + since becoming a vampire she also has a new werewolf oc who got recently turned and has to come to terms with her new life and the fact that she killed someone during a full moon, shes totally not projecting guys.)
📱 - What social media do they use the most?
Snapchat probably, just sending annoying videos to everyone n stuff
🧸 - Do they have any stuffed animals? If so, are they decorative or do they sleep with them?
She kept her childhood stuffed toys but they're all packed away in boxes, she dislikes having anything on her bed especially. Tho I can see her having 1 or 2 weird dolls for decoration or something.
🧑‍🍼 - How do they feel about kids?
She loves kids, she used to babysit for 2 families for some extra money before she moved, but she'd even have done it for free lol. I think she has rly strong feelings about how kids should be treated (like I mean respecting them, not talking down to them, treating them like actual human beings and individuals etc.) I think kids also just rly like her lol.
She's rly torn up that she's never going to have kids or experience pregnancy and stuff, like she knows that even if she'd stayed human maybe it wouldn't have happened, but now it's just so definitive u know. And it's really bittersweet when any of her human friends have kids because she loves them but she knows shes gonna abruptly have to be out of their lives at some point (with vampires faking their death and all that) and will have to watch them grow up from a distance from there on. I can also see her becoming a teacher or just working with kids in some way in one of her future lives.
🐾 - Do they have any pets?
She has a crusty white dog named Bram Stoker, that she always refers to as her little brother and ppl get confused as hell lmao 😭 (he's the dog in tht pic I put in this post)
And in the future Gabriela is gonna surprise her with a kitten that she names Wolf. I posted abt him here haha
They'll prob have more pets after that bbut those are the ones I know for sure hahah
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coredrill · 11 months ago
as foretold, bang brave bang bravern was crazy good this week
it's just. gosh. for as much as i talk abt bravern being unhinged the fact of the matter is that it is actually SO restrained. ESPECIALLY for something in a medium that is already a little self-indulgent and referential. like for all of bravern himself's clear love for mecha there have been so few explicit references to other shows? and then this ep had so fucking many - ttgl (which - fucking hilarious to use it against a character KONISHI is voicing and then have that DD be fucking useless except for wanting to see some cool fights LSKDJFH) and flcl and symmetrical docking and rider kick and jeeg and gundam and the fuckin uhhhhhhhh exkaiser i think but i dont remember for sure its the same one that showed up in the earlier fight w superbia too. like w the other mecha on the roof framing. and probably about thirty more that i'm for sure missing or not recognizing or forgetting ON TOP OF all the obari posing and punching which have been sneaking into the visuals before this - but it was all for the purpose of having us watch this hype battle and get all excited to make the ending hit THAT much harder. and holding off the first gattai until episode NINE???? the thing we're all expecting to happen at any fucking moment, because there was no way that the souls of isami and bravern could've combined and actually resonated for a true gattai until that point????? like it's ALL in service of the story rather than wow cool robot even tho it IS a pretty damn cool robot. this show makes me feel like i did my homework and i'm acing the test AND I HAVENT EVEN WATCHED THAT MUCH MECHA TBH. LMFAO. all the "who is this show even FOR (eyeroll emoji)" comments back in like ep2 get funnier every week bc bravern knows its audience like the back of its hand and it gets clearer and clearer every week that its execution is fucking razor sharp. this show is SO SUCKING GOOD and I LOVE IT. that was supposed to say fucking good but sucking works too
the fucking NOISE superbia makes when bravern is like "don't u want to fight me when i'm EVEN STRONGER" took me the FUCK out
[gets beer sponsorship] [makes Consumption Of Food And Drink a tether point to Humanity] [out-cooks the cooking show] i'm gonna buy more kona beer (<- fucking hates beer)
fish jumpscare !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i honestly don't think i've seen any anime with a fucking ED DROP before. lmfao
lewis smith. you want so badly to be the protagonist. to be the rival. to be the one who dies to motivate the hero. to be the MECHA ITSELF. and yet you are the love interest!!! you are GOING to be saved whether you want it or not!!! you ARE rain mikamura. you ARE the heroine. Let Isami Save You. you've got a family of people who fuck with time in different and fun ways to save each other and its his turn now whether you like it or not!!!!!!!!
he rly did put that mask back on right before he died…………..subtext, cowards, so on and so forth
thanks bravern for inventing gay ppl. was surprised to get a literal love confession AND an almost-kiss here but tbh at this point i think isami could use a good old-fashioned hug more than anything else. like one of those that cracks his spine. poor baby rice cracker is goin thru it LMAO. also i keep calling isami baby rice cracker and i cannot stop myself anymore………..baby rice cracker…………
me after saying every week that this show has done something to my brain "guys i think this show has done something to my brain"
wow this post is allover the place moreso than usual. like i said earlier this ep was so fucking DENSE and GOOD that i'm gonna need some time to process All That. gosh. [bravern voice] BRAAAAAAVEEEERN!!!!!!!!!!!
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cringelordofchaos · 7 months ago
Day 9 ofFreakblr month 2024 !!!!
Btw sorry for not doing anything for yesterday's prompt - firstly, i have no clue who's my least favorite. i love them all. like genuinely i dont hate a single character in this franchise. i dont tend to hate fictional characters if im gonna be honest, maybe its cause i lack critical thinking skills so i fail to acknowledge bad writing and such? idk. but yeah. Also, I was actually busy yesterday, and had no internet connection, and also my phone and laptop had zero battery and the power suddenly ran out (and my laptop doesnt work unless its plugged in lmaoo), so yeah just couldnt participate sorryyy
What I like/Dislike about the Jomies/Dromies
Hm! Ok! I haven't really thought about this subject before so I'm saying all of this unprepared
Well, let's start with what I like- they seem... realistic. genuine. authentic? like, idk, a real friend group. I know its such a weird thiing to point out. but although their personalities r obviously exaggarated cuz its a piece of fiction and theyre more notable / interesting that way, i swear theyre like picture perfect copies of my middle school bullies? though that doesnt make me dislike them i just find them silly. as some have said before they do have genuine chemistry as a friend group. Obviously not healthy since jakes been lying about who he is out of fear they (primarily drew) would tease him for it, and drews possesiveness issues, and ALSO HENRIAM nottelling drew about Zoey cheating on him when they knew (cuz sheblackmailed them), but it stillfeels realistic andits fun to see them on screen. theyre the type of friends who insult and tease each other all the time but its cuz they love each other. i LOVE that henry n liam literally just read each others minds all the time. i like how they bully the music club - there i said it. literally the show wouldnt exist otherwise. or it would but itd be painfully boring. i like how, despite them being more antagonitic forces, we still see how they interact and talk outside of how they hurt ppl. like theyre actual teenagers w their own interests and personalities and struggles not just bullies in a high school music (well.. they r but not JUST that? in my personal opinion). also, if were counting zoey, maria n lia? as the jomies (but DEFINITELY not as of S2), then yeah i love them too, though maria needs more screen time and character if rosy wants me to care abt her more (sorry maria i just. idk anything abt u besides the fact that u hang out w zoey)
Something I dislike - maybeeeeee the lack of individual friendships represented? like yeah we know about drake and henriam, but otherwise pairings like driam, jiam, jenry, drenry are kinda unexplored. Drew feels like jst a third wheel with henriam? which makes sense tbh, ik what its like lmao. and yeah there r hints of stuff individual relaptionships between them, like that jake and henry potentially watch anime together every saturday at henries (though thats up to debate). Though again i dont REALLY dislike this, it does feel realistic ig but ig it wouldve been cool to shed a bit more spotlight on individual relationships besides henriam n drake before Drew essentially dumped Jake(meaning he probably wont interact w henry or liam anynmore). also i want more of Henry n Liam, beyond them simply being comic relief (and there have been hints of it before, itjust needs to be put on front)
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tinpani · 1 year ago
what's mimi and kara's married life like? Does she get along with the other matsus? Or the background characters?
*cracks knuckles*
their married life is awfully mundane and there isn’t much to really say about it. mimi is the breadwinner and has BEEN the breadwinner. karamatsu is only expected to cook and clean, and mimi’s not going to make him get a job because. let’s face it karamatsu is a trophy husband and mimi is rich as hell
if they ever have kids, they’ll be adopted. mimi miiiiight not be able to have kids ….. but that’s just a theory …… a mimi theory……
“does she get along with the other matsus 🥺🥺🥺” bitch. don’t ask that question. ichimatsu is threatened by mimi. literally. mimi doesn’t like how rude he is to karamatsu and like i knowww they’re brothers that’s what brothers are like to each other, but that’s ALSO mimi’s significant other and it ALSO doesn’t like how he just . takes it.
mimi gets a bit mad at ichi, ichi tries to retaliate, but then remembers this is a Rich Girl that could probably do worse things than beat him up he cannot comprehend (bullying ?) that it will not face any consequences for.
lemme uhhh thing from discord:
ok ok. once upon a time osomatsu and mimi were rly close friends like that bitch was its bestie (aside from nyaa ofc) and he would borrow money and talk shit abt choromatsu and fuck arnd w mimi and it was awesome even if mimi didnt rly understand him that well but whatever. he (+ kara) inevitably introduced it to choro so it could understand what osomatsu is talking abt, tho it clicked well w choro . wasnt much of a big deal. until mimi started hanging out w choro more bc mimi understands him better than oso and then mimi realises it doesnt get along with osomatsu *at all*. ex osomatsu would ask mimi for an opinion (that he doesn't actually care for) and mimi would be accustomed to say "do whatever u want", whereas choromatsu would ask mimi for an opinion, mimi would say "do whatever u want", and choro would say "i literally asked u for a reason dont gimme that" and mimis like "omg . " . and it starts to notice that it does not feel exhausted after being with choro like it did with oso. eventually mimi just stops talking to oso altogether .
damn! sad !! also that happens so gradually i think oso only kind of notices.
like i said b4 mimi’s close w choromatsu. of course it is they’re both otaku but mimi likes anime more than idols so they try to introduce each other to the stuff they like (actual thing i do watch demon slayer. watch demon slayer. watch demon slayer NOW)
that isn’t to say mimi being friends with nyaa and choro means nyaa and choro are friends. choromatsu thought that but quickly found out that was Not True At All
i also think it’s rly funny how mimi iru and choro can be like a “smart group” or whatever but mimi and iru are actually smart and choro gets lost and feels left out when they talk abt smart successful ppl shit. i mean mimis like an engineer or something
but no like when it’s just choro and mimi it’s awesome. they go shopping together bc choro won’t make fun of it for wanting to go to anime stores and choro sometimes forgets mimi’s a “girl” and not one of his brothers so when mimi’s like “ohh i need to go 2 uhh victoria’s secret or some shit” and choromatsu’s like “nooo you can’t!!! wait.” and then remembers he’s out with a “girl” omg
jyushimatsu’s chill. that’s all i can say. he’s awesome. mimi’s a bit frightened of totty and totty is a bit frightened of mimi. when will they get over this 😢
mimi does in fact get along with normal people! you’ve read before mimi is super close with nyaa and even calls her nyaa-dono which she finds funny. mimi is also friends with dobuko and chibita, and speaks to atsushi on occasion. it’s a regular at sutabaa and aida and sacchi know it, too, though they were quite alarmed to see it come in with karamatsu on its arm of all people.
and of course it knows more people than that. it’s got employees that have employees that have employees. there might be more to that chain idk i haven’t thought about it enough.
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matoitech · 2 years ago
ok uhh okay. spiderverse 2 thoughts. in bullet points for the sake of my churning brain cuz im just not rly sure how i feel abt it rn. like it was a good movie? i enjoyed it it was fast paced i didnt realize 2+ hours went by which also segues into  my first thought but like. yeah i have thoughts.
first of all that was like a super weird ending decision to make it a part 1 of 2. zero warning for that. and i sat in that theater till credits bcuz i genuinely thought i was being punked and the movie was going to finish, bcuz it did not at all feel like a place to stop for the movie. it ends like right before the climax?? yes they really. extended themselves damn far for this one and it would be a lot to tie up in like another 45 minutes of movie but also like you couldve done it.. i really dont. understand. like ppl just sat in the movie theater like wait is it done. theyre ending it here? for real? like it wasnt the kind of ending you expect from this movie 
animation was obviously gorgeous and insane i dont even need to talk about what eye candy it was. the different styles all together the fight scenes ugh so good yeah yeah everyone knew it would be a trip
rly cannot stress enough what a Direction this sure was. i dont like say it as crit necessarily just like. did they over extend. maybe. they sure Extended. i would expect this maybe for a third movie not a second but they were clearly trying to blow the first one out of the water. it was just.. a lot looser. it needed to be tighter. i dont know what theyre planning for the 3rd movie but i really did not like. vibe with that ending decision
they changed peni’s design slightly and gave her a cooler mech so thats nice. maybe they listened 2 criticisms abt that
i cant decide how i feel abt a lot of the dialogue tbh it rly wasnt my thing a lot of the time like. the changing writers were kind of.. obvious. and there was a LOT of dialogue bcuz this movies purpose seems to be a very Character Driven story to prepare for the next? like theyre TRYING to say stuff thats for sure. also it was rly quippy in a way that i feel has gotten kind of tired with dialogue writing like SOME dialogue was genuinely funny and good to me like i wouldnt say it was BAD or something (some of it was bad.) it was just.. noticeably different? the tone for this movie was changed from the first which again isnt bad youre telling a different story it was just Different yeah. some things i rly thought couldve been handled like with more subtlety. 
i guess we only had one movie with the original cast but some stuff just like i personally was sitting there trying to figure out if it felt in character or not. its rly hard to explain if u havent watched it i think and maybe im just crazy i dunno. im absolutely not opposed to making ur characters fuck up and make mistakes but like. huh. i guess. i would not expect otherwise from gwen bcuz shes a teenager but i was.. surprised that peter was going along with it like ? hes a middle aged man lol he wasnt like taken advantage of or manipulated in any way. not like they were trying to say that w the like spider group anyway, like i dont think they were tryingto say gwen was necessariyl taken advantage of or anything, like they werent trying to make them read as ‘evil’ if anything just like wow these ppl sure have Problems they are going thruogh. but like still? im not invested in peters character even it just felt kind of weird. miles went fucking through it too like jesus christ im still trying to wrap my brain around all this it sure does feel like theyre putting these ppl thru comic book trauma
what i went through emotionally wheni realized they were going to do Dark Miles i dont even mean that as criticism or anything its just a bold move man. buti was sitting there like yeah of course they would. hope they make it work
i dunno i probably have more thoughts im just kind of like sitting here lol like what a weird decision. if they hadnt ended it like that i probably would have my thoughts more tied together bcuz the movie itself wasnt tied up?? so its kind of hard to even like think through everything on one watch
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leisurelylazy · 1 year ago
Oh my god. I need something that makes it so thinking abt classes and groceries and how ppl see me wont give me this stupid chronic stress headache ive had since junior yr of fcking highschool. What more do i need??? Meds? Therapy? A drink? Exercise?
I dont want to achieve anything I just want to watch anime & sit in the sun & listen to u guys talk & feel a little happy and lonely. Is that too simple or what. Can i still want that when we're older? I think im going to lose all of this someday, what the hell.
it's not even a headache it's just a 24/7 tightness in my entire skull & i cannot stand it right now but i have to do a project. That's what i came here to complain about but it's not really the problem. I dont know. Who do I send this to?
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alienssstufff · 2 years ago
If you get the time and inclination pls do share with us your beef with the existing zombie apocalypse genre, I have my own feelings about it (I think it overshadows other types of fictional apocalypses a bit too much in most ppl's heads) but I'd love hearing someone else's take on it (and also how you would improve the genre if you like :3 )
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oh ABSOLUTELY it does! One way its probably the easiest type of apocalypses to write abt just cuz there’s already so many and such an established I guess wwww scenario and tropes to it (?) In consequence bc of how ‘easy’ it is, it becomes so damn samey and the zombie apocalypse genre (and apocalypses genres as a whole) gets such bad rep for that reason. [The rest atp is me ranting abt zombie apocalypses specifically those are the ones I have beef with]
When I ask ppl why they don’t like apocalyptic stories most answers is just the amount of carnage that’s in them it’s horrible— to put it better: unnecessary violence in an already terrible world is what they think abt. When people think of apocalypse stories they think of the movies made in Hollywood. Muscular, American white man whos good at everything who kicks ass and saves the world singlehandedly. And the rep for zombie-driven games aren’t any better either… Not saying that stories of kicking ass taking names are ALL bad but most of it is very surface level reasoning as to why . That being said I wish there was more focus on mental health in zombie stories, realisations that the world ended and they’ll never go back to how it was before, instances of the struggles of learning how to adapt to this new way of living. There’s many topics that could be discussed and so many themes that haven’t been fully developed (or done poorly) in zombie apocalypses but seldom media’s deliver u_u
I think the zombie stories that stand out to me the most are the ones that revolve around normal people. There’s an vid essay somewhere that talks abt the success of Train to Busan as a movie, it’s still just as action packed as the ones above but it’s also rly freaking emotional as the characters and cultural themes they represent can hit p close to home for the target demographic. Also I cannot recommend enough Gakkou Gurashi (School Live)! It’s almost never talked about solely cuz of Episode 1 and even now I’m trying to be as vague as I can Please watch that anime/manga you will not regret it.
And finally worldbuilding always a sucker for worldbuilding I need more of it. Not how to stop it but more of How The Hell we fucked up that badly to ended up in this situation. Give me zombie stories of patient 0s, pov scientists fumbling in the lab etc I want THAT. I freaking love the worldbuilding in The Last of Us , such a unique way in designing zombies inspirations from real life (I believe funghi that controls dead ants). That freaking hospital part in TLOU2 will always have a lasting impression on me the environmental storytelling of the flooded hospital and the whole backstory of how the Rat King came to be an amalgamation of all the victims of Seattle’s Patient 0 zone forced to fuse because of the such claustrophobic and wet conditions of the basement OHMYFUCKINGVGG its so well thought out.
Overall my frustrations with apocalypses is just - the amount of untouched potential and themes that SHOULD be addressed but aren’t - to get creative with it. And even without mention of the worldbuilding stories of the average joe like u and I trying to do smth as ‘simple’ as going to the store but there are mental and physical struggles along the way would be fine too - u don’t need to fly a jet and shoot a rocket launcher to make things interesting. Relatability and/or creativity is what I wish.
[this was so fun to think abt anon if u have things u wanna share feel free to shoot another ask I’m all ears!]
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sabertoothwalrus · 3 years ago
i had ANOTHER dream abt miraculous ladybug and this ones a LONG one. it didnt have your artstyle but time paris DID have lovely architecture such as: the bigass hollow tree stumps in breath of the wild, u know the ones big enough to fit a shrine and a half. anyway, the final battle is Happening, people get to wonder if hawkmoth is gonna bite the dust in real time bc its being televised. this is all taking place smth like 3 yrs in the future from season 4 of the show. so theyre like uhhhh Older Teens and certifiably Tired Of All This Shit. so! at the bottom of one of those tree stumps, cat noir’s identity is going to be revealed! oh no!! hes in a #crisis of the soul mostly bc getting revealed would be Bad but also he doesnt feel like hes helping ladybug anymore. he doesnt feel trusted. a classic tale of the villain manipulating a traumatized teen. and ladybug (looking out over a roof and yelling at the top of her lungs) is like “ABSOLUTELY NOT YOU LEAVE MY PARTNER ALONE.” and bribes hawkmoth away by dangling her own secret identity in front of him like a worm on a hook. it works a little too well. her identity gets revealed! cat noir is safe but in the shuffle hes lost his miraculous and marinette picks it up. shes got both and puts them on. tikki and plagg are like “MARINETTE ITS SO DANGEROUS TO WEAR BOTH AT THE SAME TIME” and shes like “im going to punch hawkmoth in the face” and off she goes.
cat noir is nowhere to be found bc now hes adrian! and she doesnt know that! but he knows shes marinette! drama! so now ladybug is re transformed (without activating the black cat miraculous) and is whaling on hawkmoth. she crashes thru my house which is definitely not in paris and tells me and my sibs we have to get out NOW so we book it and its at this point the dream reveals to me that mylene’s mom is chinese and i sit there like Now Hold On A Minute and my mom says “i told u so!” and i tell her “you dont even watch the show???” mylene was wearing a green cheongsam. i don’t tend to ask questions. also by this point i made a mental note to tell u abt this bc it only gets more batshit.
ladybug told us (and everyone that was running away which was a lot of ppl) that if they find cat noir they shld tell him that ladybug loves him. then she has this Stellar idea. she finds nadja chamack and her camera (bc theres only two newspeople in all of paris and one of them runs reality tv) and is like “hi i need to get a message out to cat noir.” when the camera is situated on her (mind u ms chamack is VERY aware that this is her daughters babysitter and is currently holding hawkmoth in a chokehold) she says “im sorry cat noir. you believed in me and trusted me since day one and i couldnt extend you the same courtesy. i was wrong. there is no one else who can wield the black cat miraculous, no one else i would trust with the power of destruction. meet me at our normal rendezvous point so i can give back what is yours.” its all very heartfelt but undercut by the fact that hawkmoth’s bitch ass is shouting explicatives next to her. the fight resumes. she gets slammed into a wall á la every anime fight ever and manages to hide before getting to the roof where she’s waiting for cat noir. shes in a right amount of pain and tikki is running her mouth abt danger and injuries etc. marinette Will Not Move until cat noir shows up. and he does! adrian arrives! when marinette sees him she starts laughing and crying. adrian is rightfully confused. is this a good thing? is this a bad thing? did she hit her head? (yes to all 3.) marinette says “i have been in love with you since 10th grade.” (were they in 10th grade? i do not know.) adrian says “and ive been busy being in love with ladybug.” and then she apologizes again, gives him the ring back, they hug, kick ass and meet up in her room.
if it feels like we’re going rlly fast now its bc we are. the dream was pretty much a montage at this point. hawkmoth is arrested, the world knows who ladybug is, adrian is an orphan, nathalie is still sick, and marinettes parents r thinking that their kid has nearly died MULTIPLE TIMES and they never knew. also luka is under that bridge going “oh fuck.” marinette is in her room trying to explain what will happen next to alya and nino. alya says “i had to tell nino”and marinette says “i am beyond the point of anger. but whatever.” cat noir falls thru her sunroof and they hug (again, there was so much hugging in this dream to make up for the complete lack of hugging in the actual show) and alya + nino are like “uhhh awkward.” the last convo i don’t have quotes for bc at this point my alarm was ringing but it was something abt how marinette cant be ladybug or hold the miracle box and she wld want alya to be the holder but NINO knows and nino Cant Know. but cat noir doesnt want marinette to lose her memories! but People Know. the conclusion was they have to talk to chloe abt how to navigate paparazzi. this is my chloe-and-marinette-could-be-friends agenda. ok i think thats EVERYTHING. if u read all that godspeed, drink water. OH. FINAL THOUGHT. ADRIAN HAD LONG BEAUTIFUL HAIR WHICH IS VERY IMPORTANT TO ALL OF THIS. he had model-brand stubble and sharper teeth than he should.
sometimes I’m peeved that tumblr increased the character limit for asks to be higher than 500 characters, and other times I get
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1k word asks about miraculous ladybug dreams, and I think that’s beautiful
I do unironically love the part about Chloe helping Marinette navigate paparazzi, rip to her canon character development
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vivgst · 4 months ago
they all shit man...
it's okay tho, the us is having enough problems for u to stress over my country
and i'm safe, so no worries:)
i mean it sounds pretty cute but it's hell
I think we moved too fast and now I feel lost, for me it's all abt routine and she became a part of it, so now that she's not talking to me anymore (bc i told her to stop talking) I feel weird, not exactly in pain just idk, kinda hard to explain
oh and i told her to stop talking bc she was being rlly cold, ignoring me nd shit and theres nothing i hate more than to feel i need to beg for attention
but i'm getting better again lol, i hope it lasts, these antidepressants work slowwww asf
Pedro was a good Joel, no doubt. U should watch the show btw, it's so good, I rewatched it like a week ago
They all look so cool, did u see Jinx apparantly is gonna have the same haircut as Vi's?
lmaaaaoooooo I saw it!!! made me giggle but she looks so good
well Cubero is a last name so you weren't exactly wrong
oh that's so cool, i didn't remember him, he looks like shit lol, kinda reminds me of the infected from tlou
oh man how i love symbolism
Stuffed animals are so cute, I cuddle up with mine too
no, we were talking abt pickles lol so i thought abt u, u don't like them, right? sorry my memory is shit rn
ohhh that sounds cool asf Elle!!! did u win?
JSJSSJASJASASJASJJSAJASAJAJ IM SO GLAD YOU REMINDED ME ABT SMILEY VALERIA I despise ittttt too, fuck, why does she look so creepy???????!!!!!!! oh man i laughed so hard
dear I love that you're telling me stuff don't say sorryyyy, happy to help<3
communication is important but it doesn't work if you're the only one willing to communicate your feelings, I get how you feel and I honestly don't understand why some ppl are so afraid of speaking their mind? or they just say one thing and do the opposite
I'm all about second chances and love and understanding but only if they rlly wanna change things, improve them
ugh i get u sm, i get it's hard to leave
maybe try to distance yourself a bit? for your own peace of mind. Like don't suddenly stop talking to her just give yourself time
awww man I wish everything goes well for u no matter what u end up doing!!<3
@vivgst new thread <3 (I have the cut so it won't be a pain to scroll lol)
I've never watched Death Note, but I guess Ill just say L is my favorite since we share a name (technically) Honestly? my answer is simple w/ what animal Id be Almost ANY cat (not the flatfaced or folded ear ones though they can have some bad health issues :( ) Like if you're a domestic cat, you have the stuff to survive both in the wild, or in someone's house. You have super scenes of smell, night vision, claws, sharp teeth, AND probably enough smarts to not get eaten by dogs or smth. On the other hand with humans, at least 70% of the population would adore you, and maybe even take you in to pamper you. It would be very easy to get them to do your bidding since you'd be just some animal, and perhaps put above your caretaker's needs. Pets? Affection? Just act all adorable and stuff and they'll give it to you, cling on to them and they'll say they're your human now. On the other hand (or paw) there's the wild cats!! Still very cute. Still very cool. Now your defenses are upped by a ton, and people still find you cute. Though with how shitty environmental conditions are, and with the bigger cats slowly going to extinction :( , I may or may not just stick to domestic cats But hypothetically.. It would be neat to be either a snow leopard, tiger, or a jaguar. I love snow leopards for their big fluffy tails, and it would be cool to be able to roam through snow and stuff, but that seems to get a little boring from time to time. Love tigers for their stripes, I don't think they can roar..?? But that doesn't change anything. Think Tigers and Jaguars are both pretty efficient in survival, but I'd pick Jaguar just for their athletics and HUGE bite force (least from my 1st search). Or maybe, maybe not because there's an outfit/skin or two of Valeria's that are based on jaguars.. (or leopards, but ill go w/ jaguars) im obsessed w/ this woman man hdwhadwjadawnk OH ALSO ON THE TOPIC OF BIRDS??? AS FUN AS IT WOULD BE TO BE A MALE BIRD AND SHAKE YOUR COLORFUL BUM AROUND, THERE WAS A WHOLE ASS WAR W/ EMUS AND AUSTRALIA Honestly who wouldn't wanna be a relative of a dinosaur, but smaller and just as fucking scary Also for vacation.... I don't like going on vacation. I just like being in my sad little room, on the internet or drawing my ass off But, Id love to visit Japan and see their Ghibli Studio museum, it's so cool... Or even just go to a few hotels or smth here and there, I love their stellar technology, I love how everything is so cute or neat there, oh and I especially LOVE the social rules there, I'm a goody-two-shoes at heart and perfectly agree with being "nice"... Like yeah sure I may not like you or the opposite, but at least we can co-exist without biting our heads off (unlike the fucking us) and japan seems open to their culture being explored by others, so I'd totally love to (respectfully) participate in some traditions here and there OR I could visit Europe. Like not even a specific country? Just Europe. Cuz the US is like really fucking big, and a country like France is apparently as big as Texas. And it would be cool to take a week trip just exploring cultures and stuff (well everything except food, I'm a terrible picky eater ugh) Vacation in the US scares me tho, I'm fine where I'm at rn Maybe id be a little open to going to canada.. but bc of how they're treating the Palestine genoside rn maybe like later in life if they redeem themselves, but like the us? Fuck them too I think crocodiles r cute, but I wouldn't wanna go near one :3 Most of my relatives are either in the Philippines or Maryland, I barely know abt them now Never thought I'd be the one to be the gay cousin, ngl
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petz5 · 3 years ago
no one asked but real quick here r my opinions on ranma pairings that come to mind!! obv i’m not trying to say u Cant feel differently abt them, these r just my own thoughts
ranma/akane - if uve followed me for even half a day u already know this is my absolute fave one. yes it’s canon no that doesn’t make it boring, they understand each other on a level the other characters don’t even come close to
ranma/shampoo - die in a fire they r SO bad for each other (shampoo is significantly worse but ranma’s also not great to her)
ranma/ukyo - don’t love it but i suppose she’d be the next best choice after akane (at least as a pairing that could realistically happen in canon bc there’s no way something like ranryo would ever happen). i love ukyo but not with ranma, she doesn’t listen to his wants and honestly i think he’d hold her back, and i also don’t think she ever really was in love w him and just kinda felt obligated bc “oh shit if I cant kill him and I don’t marry him then I’ve wasted my life.” LOVE these two as besties tho
ranma/kodachi - literally dont feel like I need to say anything here, ive never seen anyone ship them
ranma/ryoga - not my cup of tea but I can see why ppl like it. genuinely it’s mostly bc i cant see ranma liking men lmao i mean he flirts w them for free food and whatever but he always gets grossed out when they try to respond. i personally see ranma as a lesbian
ranma/ryoga/akane - same as above except i understand it less. mmmmaybe if akane and ryoga both loved ranma but not each other?? ryoga and ranma had some actual chemistry, but akane and ryoga……… eeehh. speaking of!
akane/ryoga - don’t ship at all. ryoga is kinder to her than ranma if you’re judging on the surface, but he doesn’t fundamentally understand her the way ranma does and doubts her ability a lot more. (to the point ranma has to physically stop him in one episode to tell him “this is akane’s fight, she’s got this and will be mad if you meddle”) also the whole p-chan thing is creepy. i enjoy ryoga as character but i don’t think he fits w her at all
akane/shampoo - don’t like it. i mean i’ve read fics where shampoo admits to liking akane (or even just respecting her as a fellow female martial artist) but also like… that exists outside of canon shampoo to me lol. canon shampoo doesn’t care about other people, and she in particular is homophobic towards akane to her face
akane/ukyo - i like it to an extent! if it were in canon i wouldn’t want it to go beyond like akane blushing when ukyo saves her and maybe offhandedly saying something like “she’s so cool” and ukyo, after spending some time w akane, admitting to herself that she can understand why ranma likes her. i think it’s cute to think abt
akane/kodachi - i love this but only one-sidedly. in canon i’d want kodachi to be Like That with ranma purely to rile up akane bc she wants her attention. i mean literally already in canon kodachi seems to not know what to do once she actually gets ranma other than dangle him over her alligator and wait for akane to save his ass. it’d be a funny twist for her to be doing all this just bc she wants to see akane and doesn’t think to just talk to her like a normal person
shampoo/mousse - don’t like at all
shampoo/ukyo - no real thoughts but I don’t love it. maybe similar to how I feel abt ranryo but while my feelings for that as neutral/positive this is neutral/negative
ukyo/ryoga - i can see why ppl like it and I believe I did too back in 2011 or so when i first watched it, but i feel like most ppl who ship this have only watched the anime (valid! but their manga partners are both great characters imo). I didn’t rlly see it at all upon rewatch and reading the manga put the final nail in the coffin. they’d be fun as friends tho! i like that they have a silly friendship similar to akane and mousse’s friendship where they’re more Worsties than anything but will hang out with and help each other if they need to
ukyo/tsubasa - no. i have very mixed feelings abt tsubasa as is, but ukyo has no interest in him and sees him as an annoyance so i wouldn’t want her to be w someone she doesn’t like (side note: used he/him for tsubasa bc he’s very open abt being a crossdresser. i know that crossdresser is used as a transphobic insult in the series, but… eehhh… tsubasa isn’t really like ranma and konatsu who are both pretty blatantly not cis. he declares himself as a guy all the time, which yeah ranma does too, but ranma’s whole character development is how that breaks down for him)
ukyo/konatsu - yes, i think they’re sweet and konatsu is very supportive of ukyo’s goals. i think this pairing would need more development before i’d really want it declared Officially Canon. i mean it is, but obv ukyo still has some feelings to work out similarly to ryoga and his canon gf, and i think she’d need to more clearly let go of ranma before this could truly blossom in canon. i love konatsu and i love ukyo and i think they’d be good girlfriends after a little work
ryoga/akari - love it, it’s sweet and i LOVE akari. like I said i think ryoga needs to work thru some shit/let go of akane to truly appreciate akari, and it’s annoying he’s still attached to her when he has a gf but i understand it’s difficult to just Stop liking someone you’ve liked for prob a solid year or so just bc u got asked out by someone else
these are all the ones I can think of rn but ur more than welcome to ask if u want my thots on any other ones lol
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touyaz · 2 years ago
ahhhhh okay, I’ll let you know if I will!! tbh I think reading the manga might get me more into Giyuu because he is very much my type but I kind of need more of him lmao. and I’m so excited for the Sanemi arc then!! my friend said he started as one of her least favorites because he was an ass and become one of her favorites by the end because of what happens to him, so maybe I’ll be similar?? either way, the art is pretty and I’m kind of fixating on it now, so i might give it a go!
but yes, Giyuu is very much my typical type in anime men and what you said about Gyuutaro is so RIGHT DUDE,, like I was worried I’d be kind of alone in this for a second but I came on this site and saw so many people being so thirsty for him and immediately felt better <3 like legitimately the feeling is animalistic like you said!! and it’s so fun to watch others go crazy because we get it!! and like I definitely have softer tastes but I am feeling it and I don’t want it to stop lmao. want him carnally, even if he’d make fun of me relentlessly :(
btw sorry if I’m making you talk about something you’re not super interested in yet! I just remembered the Sanemi fic and came here for that reason. we can stop if you’d like!
ahhh hope you enjoy it if you do read it !! tbh I expected there to be more scenes of giyuu in the manga but maybe I'm just . not remembering it well enough😭 ahh I can't wait if you do start it, I really do think you'll end up liking sanemi!! not liking him by the end of kny is a major red flag 😤
omg do u go for the dark haired, emo side pieces too lmaooo & soo true like ik ppl on this site thirst for basically anyone, but I was surprised at how much love gyuu got especially since he's only a side character!! like it's so painful trying to find good fics for side characters but I know there's a ton of gyuu food out there for us 😋 and I love that he's got the whole bad guy, don't mess with him vibe, but he is just a little guy. a pathetic raccoonboy. gyuu x soft only for you trope my greatly beloved. oh god "even if he'd make fun of me relentlessly" EXACTLYYYYYYY! I think he likes humiliating you just a little because he craves knowing that you want this - you want him. you really and truly want whatever he's willing to give you. and you'll do whatever it takes to get that from him. you love him and trust him and are willing to be vulnerable for him. it makes his dick hard and his heart skip a beat <33
also don't worry abt that at all omg it's not bothering me in any way, I'm enjoying talking to u abt this all, u don't have to apologise!!! it's actually making me want to start writing for kny again 😭😭😭
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papers4me · 3 years ago
Hi, I have always read your furuba reviews and I'm very curious about which are your favorite characters and why?
Thank you for reading my posts<3. I know I've been slow lately, but I'm not in a right emotional place right now, but I'll be back to posting soon. Actually talking abt furuba & story-telling here in tumblr is such a peaceful outlet that I'm thankful for.
While I love 97% of furuba characters, my faves kept changing while I watched the anime. I decided to have 5 top characters as faves & number one kept changing as the anime progressed.
Since I'm all abt story-telling, I think I need to separate the anime from the manga cuz no way in the anime that tohru would be on my top 5, heck not even top 10! I really don't like how her character was reduced to yuki's mommy-tohru, then angel-tohru, then villain-fixer tohru. The real individual tohru with her own personal story is just two eps long, so meh~. Also, while yuki is in my top 5 in the anime, I don't like how he's too perfect & prince in the anime while his own theme is the imperfect non-prince. Kyo's, too in my top 5 but I dont like how his own story is intentionally messed up by the anime with the stupid "I forgot" that contradicts the anime's own canon plot...
So, I'll tell you my top 5 fave character in the manga so fat with no particular order.
Tohru, while I'm yet to uncover her own plot in the manga, so far she has way more character exploration & depth!! She really feels like a different character from the anime! I'm shocked! The facial expressions, the occasional doubtful self-talk, even the "fake-smile"mask she puts is so expressive. She is treated as a character with a personal plot , regardless of being the protagonist. Her own plot is not reliant on being yuki's mommy, or the sohma's shrink, or a fixer. Her own plot line is abt grief & being lonely. It's the most common struggle that we all share regardless of our gender, race, financial status. Death is the ultimate fact & we'll face loosing a loved one & feeling lonely is not related to social skills nor being loved. I'll forever hate the anime for passing on such unique universal theme in favor of emphasizing the most popular shonen-themed coming of age story ( a boy becoming a man) "yuki" or the over-exaggerated drama in "kyo's". Like I dont want them to pass any of the 3 characters plotlines, but the anime made a choice & forever cemented anime tohru as the most "fixer"character in anime history like 98765678 of other female protagonists.
Yuki has way more character & realness in the manga. He doesnt come off as narrator-y as he does in the anime simply cuz the anime only chose the parts where yuki narrates as a voice-over & told us how to feel & dropped all the parts where he's interacting & actually talking to other characters not just the audience. His own personal story is abt "observing, learning & having the guts to make a move & embracing his own imperfection". I love this! Anime yuki is not imperfect. no. he's the icon of perfect prince, he even initiates a set of fanclub girls into the world that they float! He's so perfect, he "heals" a girl simply by talking to her once. That's all it takes him to fall in love & find his soulmate. While in the manga, I'm starting to see yuki display signs of "kind jerk" in the making, that's refreshing!
I admit that I didn't include kyo into my top 5 until se02. Don't get me wrong, he's so endearing since ep1, but didnt seem to be complex nor refreshing as the others. but se02, ep 9 was the first glimpse into his own character depth & I got hooked! I'm so in love with the theme of "repeated mistakes & guilt". it's such a mature theme & speaks to a much wider audience. The more we repeat the same mistakes, the more we self-sabotage our lives. Also, I love the love isn't a magic healing element in his story. He's the most loved character by tohru, yet her love only hurt him more due to his guilt. Moreover, the romantic element itself wasnt a cliche "love at 1st sight, nor lovers since childhood, nor girl fixes a guy, nor guy protects the girl from danger". Not at all. It was "love blooming subtly, little by little by mundane daily life". I cant express how much I applaud Takaya-san for such complex writing. In the anime, kyo only comes when it's his ep, other than that, he's absent or characterless. I hated that. So far in the manga, kyo has an existence even in other plotlines & has different aspects of his character. Also, I'm shocked at how much inner dialogue he has! like no too much that it involves other character nor too little that you dont understand him. It's just the right amount.
Momiji. He's the most balanced character. He isnt fixed by tohru, but isnt perfectly fine either. He's the definition of the right amount of kindness. He doesn sell himself to make other happy like tohru or kureno, nor puts himself in danger to save others like haru. He does help others but also helps himself. He helped his mom forget him cuz honestly that wasnt even his choice. it's the dad's. He participated willingly tho in avoiding her, but he didnt dwell in self pity & locked himself emotionally. He let go of loving tohru & encouraged kyo, but while he genuinely loved kyo, he didnt just back off cuz he's kind & a sacrificial angel. He stood like a man & challenged kyo for tohru's heart, but let go when he realized the choice is tohru's. not them. They can love her aromatically, but she's the one who decides who to be with. I love the theme of "not competing for love". it's not a competition really. never was. Still, as love sick & heart-broken as he was, momiji didnt dwell in self-pity & after allowing himself to heal, he bounced back & smiled. Momiji is no foolish traveler.
The spot is reserved to a certain character that I want the manga to prove their worth. I dont want them to be as shallow as the anime made them to be. I want to see depth. I dont know if the manga writes them better, but once I finish the manga, I'll know.
I wanted to add shigure but no. Despite all the complexity & the unique roles he has & despite how much I love characters with big giant flaws & ugly characteristics, shigre fell from my top 5 long ago. Look, this seems petty but I can't get over the fact that he slept with akito's mom. ewwwww. It makes me wanna puke! so disgusting. yuck yuck yuck! I dont mind that he "cheated"or wanted to "hurt akito by sleeping with ANOTHER woman". As a matter of fact, such acts create drama, ugly feelings & emotional struggle. I love such things in fiction. but he did it with the mother. He actually laid with both mom & daughter in his life. ewwwwww! This level of eww is so revolting to me! Some ppl are disgusted by bugs & worms that they want to puke, me.. when ppl sleep with both parent/off spring, or both siblings. Yuck! & it's even more yuck that it didnt stop their "love" from being real/ happy/ perfect/ passionate! & that it worked in making akito "want him more & be a "woman" for him"... ew!
lol, so yeah~here's my super long answer to ur super short qs. but I dont be "papers"if I didnt write till my fingers hurt, now would I? XD. I enjoyed ur question so much! thanks<3.
Anon, Don't get offended ny my shigure-rant! XD. its petty, I know. if u read this, tell me who's ur fave?
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ceilingfan5 · 4 years ago
do u have any advice for writing multichap fic?? i have an idea i really like but ive never written anything longer than a couple thousand words so im struggling a l'il
I'm probably not the best person to go to for advice there lol!! my longest one before sticker stars was only like 24k and I fully maintain that I was possessed when I wrote sticker stars. Holy shit. anyway my writing process is terrible and I'm a bad example, I tend not to do multiple drafts, I plan very little, I really struggle to write out of order and go back in and fill things in
honestly it's incredible I've gotten anything off the ground let alone 50+ fics in the last uhh 8? Jesus. 8 years/ 22 fics for Taz oh my god
things I did like:
having an outline is so important for not feeling incredibly lost but it doesn't have to be good, it can 100% be very silly and informal
this outline should be in another document or you'll regret ever evolving to be a vertebrate animal
you can't take it too seriously!!!
find some/at least one cheerleader to stick with you and it'll feel way more like a game than a slog. if they double as a beta you can kiss them if they would be okay with it
this will also help w the following--talk it out before you write it out! and after you write it out! during even! even if you're not talking to a friend, seriously rubber duck that shit. rant to yourself in the shower. pace through your living room. trust the process, your brain processes things differently when you hear it than when you're just thinking in your cozy and/or extremely harsh little echo chamber
this has to be at least 92% for you, like if you can't reread it and enjoy it, something needs to change. I think I'm the funniest motherfucker on the planet. it's so hard when you're worried abt what ppl think and if they'll like it, absolutely paralyzing. not that I've solved this problem. if you figure it out please tell me how to not be obsessed with what others think. maybe we can market it and make lots of money. what do you think? wait, fuck
sometimes u gotta sleep on it and look at things from another angle
consuming media will always help and isn't wasting time!!! SS happened bc i watched the proposal with my mom!
divide it up into chapters in the document and give them stupid names! and then make them headings so you can fast travel. fucking sticker stars won't load on my phone it's so big. how do people do shit like 300k fics honestly
it helps to have some kind of structure even if it only makes sense to you! for example in both SS and run away with me I alternated POVs every chapter. and theming is important! in run away with me all the chapter titles are from Carly Rae jepsen songs. and all the chapter titles for paper crowns are one word except the sex ones which are literally like "they have sex again" which is both useful and hilarious
this is going to be physically painful. but I highly recommend writing the whole damn thing and THEN posting it. it's so nice to have it all ready, and be able to go back and edit if your plans change, and also not have the potential of losing steam and having to abandon it and disappointing yourself and others hanging over your head. it's gonna be one of the most difficult things you'll ever have to do but it is so worth it.
10000% indulge yourself! not only is it more fun, but people love to read things that are full of joy. I for example go bonkers in fucking yonkers abt dialog and also stupid weird figurative language
evidence of my great planning for SS which is numbered wrong bc my original plan was in the document and got deleted as I went because I have sticky aquarium gravel for brains:
Tumblr media
the whole document is like this but most of the rest of it is spoilers but if you wanna see it I'll totally give u access to my unfiltered pudding thoughts
I hope that helps! let's sum:
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scourgefrontiers · 3 years ago
honestly like not to ramble abt inazuma but. it kinda makes me sad how many ppl dont give it a chance? like, a real chance. if i hadnt watched dragon ball to episode 20 i wouldnt have gotten hooked on it. the same goes for inazuma b/c the first arc, while it builds the world and characters, is really slow when u first watch it and i know this. but god once it Gets you? i swear to christ it GETS you.  i think people watch the first ep and theyre like “oh this is just a sports anime im not into this” and they drop it. THATS NOT GIVING IT A CHANCE !!!  you get to episode 2 and they start doing shit like death zone cmon AND THATS NOT EVEN THE WILDEST SHIT THAT HAPPENS 
the characters are so good. the way it handles issues is Pretty Good too, of course it does have problems with some stuff but theres always room for improvement i guess. the story fucking slaps. i know its a kids anime so its very lighthearted and silly (fucking..soccer communism. there are aliens sometimes) but its so entertaining and nice and feel good....my life has genuinely improved since i got into it
like, listen. its not a sports anime. its a shounen anime that has sports in it. thats that on that. it literally smells of dragon ball just with soccer playing children i swear to god if u like dragon ball and are looking for a sillier more fun anime you Need to try out inazuma eleven..pls...for me...
i’ll be real i didnt get into the series until episode like 40 almost. it took me that long, i’ll admit it. but holy shit now its. its my favorite anime yall i havent admitted that yet publicly but i love inazuma eleven more than dragon ball even though my last name is actually saiyan for real ok. db is a second fav still but ina11 took that first spot. aliea academy my beloved
SO ANYWAY LIKE idk. i wish more ppl would give it a chance, a decent real chance, b/c the only other fans besides my partner are like. all european? JSFDKL SO THERES LIKE NO AMERICAN FANS I CAN BE UP AT THE SAME TIME WITH TO TALK ABOUT IT the american fanbase for inazuma is practically nonexistant and i dont understand why. well ok i kinda do, the series is based off a video game which hasnt been localized in the u.s. so. yeah
did i mention its by level-5. cmon
anyway thats all i’ll say on that sjdflk sorry i just had a super in-depth discussion abt the series with my partner so im like aaaaaaaaaaa ok bye
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turturros · 4 years ago
tagged by @billy-crudup​ thank u bestie!
tagging @madeline-kahn @saoirse-ronan @chastainjessica @bijespers @rogerdeakinsdp
1: Why did you choose your url?
i watched parasite and was completely blown away so i wanted an url to honor bong joon ho!
2: Any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
i have an animal crossing sideblog @hoofhoo and i used to have a roosterteeth sideblog a long time ago but it’s no more
3: How long have you been on tumblr? 
since 2011 i think? ew
4: Do you have a queue tag?
no bc full disclosure my entire blog is on queue so there’s no point having a tag for it. i do it this way bc i usually come on tumblr, reblog a bunch of stuff and then barely go on here throughout the day so i like to space things out
5: Why did you start your blog in the first place?
i saw ppl post gifs from here on another website and talk abt tumblr so i was like sounds fun im gonna try it out. and the people who made gifs on here seemed like gods so i wanted to do it too kjdsvnksdjvn
6: Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
i used to have celebrities as icons but i’m at a point where i have no idea who to even choose so i wanted something neutral and there are a few ppl using icons as pfps so i looked up yellow icons (kajvavn) and found this one and it seemed perfect i love the lil heart and the shape of it
7: Why did you choose your header?
i actually had to go check what my header even is skdvnsjkvn but i watched chungking express for the first time a couple months ago and i wanted to have a somewhat fancy edited header and i chose a screenshot from that movie. i was going to change the movie on my header every month (edited in the same style) but idk maybe i’ll do it every season instead
8: What’s your post with the most notes? 
this is so embarrassing
9: How many mutuals do you have?
i don’t know the exact number but i think most people i follow are mutuals! love ya babes
10: How many followers do you have?
more than i deserve but i think a lot of them are inactive since i’ve been here a long time sdkvnjvn
11: How many people do you follow?
153. doesn’t sound so impressive now that most of them are mutuals huh sdkjvnn
12: Have you ever made a shitposts?
im not sure what qualifies, but i think i made some in the druck fandom
13: How often do you use tumblr each day?
like one or two hours i think? not as much as i used to tbh
14: Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
not really an argument, i just had ppl argue with me in my askbox but it never escalated to a whole conversation sdjfvnjsk
15: How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
thanks for the guit trip babes i still won’t reblog unless it’s something i really care about
16: Do you like tag games?
yes but i’m so bad at checking my mentions i do them once in a blue moon sdkfvnsjdf sorry luvs
17: Do you like ask games?
also yes but i don’t get a lot of asks when i do them kdfjvnsk
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
all of them are legends
19: Do you have a crush on a mutual?
yes i have a crush on my gf 😌
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